Proof-of-concept opportunity
He was fortunate to have two supervisors with industry experience. One had worked with a pharmaceuticals company on using protective effects of alginates in a common remedy that helps treat acid reflux and aspiration. With his other supervisor he began research to answer the question “What else can alginates do to other digestive enzymes?”
Effects on lipase began to suggest alginates in food could have a useful role in how the body digests and expels fat. In the second year of his PhD, Matt took the opportunity to “cobble together a claim and use an analogous approach” to take to Biotechnology YES where he learnt a huge amount in a short space of time.
Matt’s team got through the regional heat and won ‘Best Protection of IP’ at that year’s Final. “YES helps you look at your own research in another light.”
Proving claims for commercialisation
With the information he learned during Biotechnology YES about patents and other IP protection, as well as looking at the patent landscape and doing basic market research, Matt was able to further develop commercial ideas based on his research and to interact with the University’s Technology Transfer Office, which – until that point – he didn’t even know existed.
European regulations made it tougher to claim health benefits for alginates without very specific, verified and approved research findings for the right populations. Matt needed additional finance for more research. The BBSRC has been tremendously supportive of Matt’s work. A BBSRC CASE Studentship covered most of his PhD, and a BBSRC Enterprise Fellowship covered the rest.
Confidence and skills gained through YES helped him pitch for funding provided by serial entrepreneurs as well as RCUK Business Plan Competition funding and commercialisation grants.
Top impacts
Intellectual property
Matt convinced Newcastle University this idea has commercial potential. Its Technology Transfer Office is helping apply for patents worldwide, with one granted already in New Zealand.
Benefits to health and society
Around 95-100% of all fat in our diets is digested and absorbed into our bodies. The research Matt and colleagues do shows alginates in food can interact with enzymes that digest fat and get rid of it so less is stored by the body.
Licensing to fund further trials
Further human trials are planned in collaboration with industry which will help show how, combined with reduced fat intake and exercise, using alginates as ingredients could help make us healthier. A planned new licensing deal will take research closer to commercialisation.
More information
Read more about Matt’s research here